
History of Cholpon

Ancient Narix

An ancient civilization known as Narix was discovered through ruins and deciphering ancient texts. Researchers have found that the people of Narix thought the magic of Cholpon was sacred, and treated it with respect. Ruins have been found over each of the five continents. It's been discovered that the first Celestials were descendants from the Narix. According to the research that has been done, Narix was around even before the Great War happened. How they kept magic a secret from those outside their homes is unknown. It's theorized that the people from the Narix civilization used magic in their everyday lives, and may have even relied on it. Elementalism to grow beautiful gardens, cook their food, give them light, and much more. Texts say that Summoning was used to help others move from place to place a little easier. Psionics with telekinesis are recorded to have been quite helpful to their people, and those with future sight saved many lives by averting disasters. It's said that luck was used on crops for bountiful harvests, and Augmentation to boost all of these, or heal the sick.

While there isn't enough evidence to prove the theory, many historians and scientists believe that the Narix may still be around. Historians have found what appear to be codes and puzzles hidden about the settlements in each continent. The desert settlement in Pomios was where these hidden puzzles were first found, and these are still being deciphered. A popular theory is that these ciphers contain information about how the Narix lived and thrived. While others believe that the secrets within the ciphers contain information about what happened to the Narix.

The Narix was divided long ago by the original Blackjacks. They fought amongst themselves, and both sides left puzzles behind should anyone find out their meaning. If the puzzles and ciphers are decoded, one would find out that the Narix had split up into two groups in two locations. One group has hidden a floating island, kept secret from the world through powerful magic. This island is known as Lunali. While the other group hid themselves in an underwater city. Far from Tundrow. This city is also protected by powerful magic to keep it safe and hidden. This city is name Cinali.

During the Great War, the Narix set up teleporters between their homes. Originally they were for strategic movements against the Blackjacks, but were then repurposed for attacks between the two continents. By the war's conclusion, the teleporters had been decommissioned, serving as a relic of a dark time in Narix history. Seven-hundred years later, Cinali cleared off the dust from the old teleporters and took the first step in repairing their relationship with the Narix of Lunali. A shaky alliance was formed, allowing leaders and researchers to travel between the two continents to check on each other and research the differences between the two lands. Everything went smoothly until a century ago, when word reached Cinali that the Blackjacks had returned, and this time they had magic that had once only been found among the Narix.The two continents decided to repurpose some of their teleporters to connect to Cholpon, sending researchers and their families to investigate the somewhat new magic of Cholpon. It was only twenty years ago that the Narix leaders opened the portals to the rest of their people, allowing anyone to move to Cholpon so long as they kept their Narix identities a secret. Today, the Narix have settled decently well with the rest of Cholpon, with only a few high-ranking individuals aware of their existence.

Common Cholpian History

A long time ago, the people of Cholpon didn't know the truth about magic in their own world. Some speculated it was real, citing historical accounts of those who could wield the elements or heal the sick to support their claims. Others claimed they were merely stories, finding ways to explain away most examples those who believed in magic provided; the elementals just found stones that could produce flames, or the healers simply understood the human body better than most. It likely would've remained this way if those stories stayed in the past. A girl discovering she can teleport to where she looks, a boy creating a fireball one cold winter night, and even rumors of a mother healing a town plagued by a disease that had taken her child soon came to light.

Many wanted this power, this modern magic, but most found themselves to be lacking when they tried to call forth fire or sheets of ice. Soon, discontent began to spread, with the few who found their magic being targeted by the many who seemingly went without. Fights soon broke out, with the Blackjacks leading the charge against the fortunate few. It started small, but soon the Blackjacks became a force to be reckoned with, sparking a great war between magic wielders and non-magic individuals. If it weren't for the first Celestials, masters of magic in their own fields, the war would have probably continued to this very day. However, due to their efforts, as well as a lot of trial and error, the war was stopped with the discovery of magical potential in every resident of Cholpon. They may not have fire, nor ice, but with enough research, one could discover their own form of magic.

With five entire continents to check over, the Celestials found a need to delegate their work to others so they could continue studying their own respective magical classes. This, alongside a need for a successor, led to them taking on pupils of their own, training them in their own class of magic to someday become the next Celestial. Many continue to research the magic of Cholpon to this day, reporting their findings to their respective Celestials with each new discovery. They meet every year, updating each other on the newest findings in the field of magic as they continue to uphold the peace in Cholpon. The Blackjacks still lurk in the shadows, after all, and the last thing they want is another war.

The Original Blackjacks