OC Ask Blog

"Do you want some cocoa?"


Vivie is hyperactive and cheerful around those she knows. She likes laughing and having a good time with those she considers family, though she's surprising quiet around those she doesn't know well. She likes looking at the good things in life, and likes trying to find the good in a bad situation if she can. It helps her to think about how the worst case scenario will almost never happen, and she finds that calming in stressful situations. Vivie enjoys making others smile, and has been called a joybringer by a few of her friends. She loves doing what she can to keep those she cares about happy.

She has a bad habit of clinging to others and relies on them to keep her spirits up. She'll often do things on an impulse when she's bored, and often regrets it afterward. She honestly doesn't think very highly about herself and has a low self esteem that she's working on improving. While she loves meeting new people and making new friends, she has a hard time doing so. Vivie has a hard time putting her thoughts into words, and often times decides against speaking in fear that she'd say something wrong on accident.


Vivie is short, androgynous, and pudgy with a height of 2ft. She's completely flat chested! 2ft is her canon, in world height. If she's being drawn as just some furry, then her non canon height is 5ft!


  • Should I give sonas a Playlist
  • She's pretty much just me but furry. Things on Storm most likely apply to her as well
  • Her winter coat starts November and ends late January
  • Diagnosed with ADHD, OCD, and General Anxiety
  • Her favorite warm drink is hot cocoa with some cool whip
  • She only drinks coffee if it has a lot of creamer and some sugar
  • She's normally seen flying in the air, and prefers flying over walking
  • When she's focused on something she tends to drown out everything else
  • She collects things like stones or gems. She likes to give them to close friends sometimes
  • She was born without a sense of smell
  • She has glasses that she wears sometimes, though she'll often rely on echolocation instead

Drawing Notes

  • Never draw with wing arms. She has wings AND arms
  • Her eyes change to a more brown color during fall and stay like that during winter
  • You can draw her normally or winter coat. Whichever you prefer!
  • She's very expressive!



Sparky and Vivie have been dating since they were teenagers! Vivie feels safe around Sparky
